As a writer on some of the most beloved shows of the past couple decades, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, and Battlestar Galactica to Gilmore Girls and The O.C., Jane Espenson has done a pretty good job of capturing the world's collective imagination. But all of that surely pales in comparison next to her latest feat of fancy: The Pringle Ringle.

Espenson tweeted a picture of the marvel of architectural wonder—looking something like a salty portal into a remote universe of snackability—yesterday, and in just over 24 hours it was retweeted more than 82,000 times and liked 151,000 more. If only Firefly had gotten those numbers when it first came out.

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Espenson wasn't the first to come up with the idea—there are tutorials on YouTube showing how its done, with some with multiple millions of views—but her effort seems to have hit at the right time, in the midst of a particularly stressful period for the country. As any screenwriter knows, you need a little levity to balance out the drama.

I asked Espenson, who's currently working on ABC'S Once Upon A Time, about playing with her food, and her brush with virality.

First of all, congrats on the Pringle Ringle. Secondly, what drove you to this madness?

Madness indeed! I saw a tweet about this phenomenon from an account called @SciencePorn.

I showed it to a friend who said that it couldn't be real, not without glue. So I looked on YouTube and sure enough, there were tutorials, and there was no glue–just gravity and friction and the shape of the chips that forms the curve. And then my friend surprised me with a gift of a canister of Pringles, so the conclusion was obvious–I had to build it.

There are several tutorials on [YouTube]. I picked one and watched it–the process is pretty easy, and not too precise–you just start in the middle and build up the sides gradually. It's less like constructing an arch, and more like growing two vines that happen to meet.

How many times did you fail before you got it right? How long did it take?

I had one collapse along the way, but the second try worked. I think it only took about a half an hour. You can recover from small setbacks as Pringles slide down the hill by just adding more.

Are you particularly crafty when it comes to things like this? Ever do something similarly fun or weird with your food?

I'm not particularly crafty because I'm impatient, but I just fell in love with what the finished ring was going to look like, so I stuck with it. And I do love playing with food. I love restaurants like Bazaar here in LA where they do the molecular gastronomy tricks so that everything is frozen or foamed or liquefied. I recently bought a food spiraliser, and now most things that I eat are ribbon-shaped.

You've written for a number of beloved TV shows. Where does this accomplishment stand in your contribution to the culture,?

Haha! I assumed this would be a minor contribution, but judging by the numbers this may be my biggest hit yet. Who knew?

Which, if any, of the characters you've written for would be most likely to try something like this?

Andrew, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as played by the great Tom Lenk, who's had his own viral sensations on Twitter in the last year. The character loves science and whimsy; this is right up his alley.

Assuming this is the most viral any of your posts have ever gone, what does one learn when you go through that process?

It's been really fun and shockingly positive. It was a full 24 hours before I saw my first really negative tweet. Someone simply commented: "Murderer." Amazing that only this one person realized I'd secretly built a death ray out of Pringles.

Were people really giving you crap about wasting food?

There were distinct categories of replies. Most common was that they wouldn't have been able to build it because they'd have eaten the supplies. Second most common was: I knew Pringles had to be good for something. And behind that was, yeah, what a waste of food. But I think people were just being snarky with a wink, for the fun of it.

How many people have tweeted you pictures of themselves doing it?

A few, but I hope there will be lots more. People have to get to the store and back, so it's expected that there would be a little delay.

You work on Once Upon A Time now. What fairy tale has the most in common, or can teach us the most about social media?

Oh, what a great question. The Princess and the Pea because we're all becoming so desensitized? The Boy Who Cried Wolf because of all the drama? Probably The Tortoise and the Hare, not really a fairy tale, but close enough. Keep your eyes on the prize and don't get distracted. Just keep on going.

From: Esquire US