This week, Carrie Fisher revealed to the world that she and Harrison Ford had an affair while filming the original Star Wars back in 1976. No one was much surprised. Fisher summarized the short affair, saying, "It was Han and Leia during the week, and Carrie and Harrison during the weekend," which seems like a solid work-life balance.

While filming Star Wars, 19-year-old Fisher kept diaries about the affair. Those diaries factor into her new memoir, The Princess Diarist, out soon. The Washington Post published a short excerpt where Fisher describes kissing Ford. She compares kissing him to fishing with her face. It is...not flattering:

[It's like] reading another person's face with your mouth with dedicated eagerness, swimming with your lips between a particular person's nose and chin, gently digging for jewels using your tongue as a makeshift shovel . . . fishing face-to-face—like grouper, but without the water, the scales, and that awful fishy smell. But otherwise . . .

Ah, yes. It's exactly like that.

When Ford ended the affair, he apparently told Fisher, "You have the eyes of a doe and the balls of a samurai." Yes, but he had the lips of a grouper, and nothing can compete with that.

From: Esquire US