You're not alone in your hatred for this terrible year—even George R. R. Martin wants it to end already. In a blog entry posted earlier this week, Martin wrote about the passing of two people he held dear: Carrie Fisher and Watership Down author Richard Adams.

"Death, death, and more death...this year just keeps getting worse and worse," he wrote in the post. "...A wonderful actress, a great writer. The world is poorer tonight. Please, let this wretched year come to an end."

That's saying something, considering it's coming from the man who killed off half the Starks, Jon Snow (for a hot second), and plenty of other beloved characters. Said Martin about Carrie Fisher, whose death shocked the world earlier this week:

"There is not much I can say about the death of Carrie Fisher that a thousand other people have not said already. She was way too young. A bright, beautiful, talented actress, and a strong, witty, outspoken woman. Princess Leia will live as long as STAR WARS does...probably forever."

Please, let 2016 come to an end already, for all of our sakes.

From: Esquire US