It's been a long 744 hours since Donald Trump was sworn in as president, and since then, he's certainly done ...stuff. The Washington Post broke down just how he's spent his first month in office. Spoiler alert: most of it was not in the office.

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The Post explains their methodology, which is admittedly imperfect, but certain things are clear. For instance, Trump has spent nearly a quarter of his time in office in Florida, 25 hours of which he's spent golfing. He also spent around 13 hours actively Tweeting, which is over twice as many as he's spent on intelligence briefings.

The biggest chunk is 399 hours of "non-work time" between D.C. and Florida, which could mean anything from sleeping to watching the failing cable news to avoiding Melania. But maybe he's just not sure what to do! After all, he has no political experience, so he might just not know. Here are some suggestions:

  • Find and release all his tax records.
  • Thoroughly read the executive orders he's signing.
  • Address the over 50 lawsuits currently pending against him.
  • Hold a press conference in which he doesn't scream at anybody.
  • Apologize to all the foreign leaders he's insulted so far.
  • Think long and hard about his life, his choices, and the legacy he wants to leave behind.
  • Attend, like, at least one more intelligence briefing.

Many have pointed out that, for a party that wouldn't stop criticizing President Obama when he took vacations, Republicans seem oddly fine with their president spending a lot of time, and taxpayer money, away from work. Trump also seems to forget that he promised that if he became president, he would "not have time to play golf." Maybe he just hates his job.