Moobs are an unfortunate (and often embarrassing) affliction for many a man, but unless you have clinical Gynecomastia - a medical condition where hormone imbalances encourage breast tissue - then they are entirely avoidable, given the right exercise regime and diet.

Here we consult Esquire fitness expert Harry Jameson, who shows you how to defeat your dreaded man boobs once and for all. 

Don't Lift Heavy

According to Harry, the worst thing you can do to treat moobs is to lift heavy weights for a low amount of reps, because while you may build muscle, you won't be burning off any fat, meaning those moobs will just end up looking more pronounced.

Instead, you want to be focusing on high reps using lower weights for a two pronged attack that will reduce overall body fat and tone muscle.

The Four Exercises 

Harry recommends performing four sets of 20-25 reps for this chest workout. If you really want to speed things up, then add in a set of high intensity sprints after each set. You can do this workout 2-3 times a week, as long as you're allowing your body adequate rest of course.

1 | Press-Ups

You know the drill: chest over shoulders, back straight and engage your core as you descend.

2 | Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

The benefit of using dumbbells instead of bars is that in order to control the weights, you're forced to engage multiple muscles in your shoulders, arms and back. Make sure the weight you choose allows you to maintain control at all times.

3 | Flat Bench Press

Ol' reliable. Keep your back flat and your decline slow. And always have a spotter just in case. There's nothing more embarrassing than being pinned to the bench because you were too proud to ask for a spotter.

4 | Decline Dumbbell Bench Press

Harry swears by the decline dumbbell press, as it hits and strengthens the underside of your pectoral muscle (a spot often forgotten by gym bros) and one that will help create a balanced, defined chest.

Get Your Timings Right

To really maximise your regime, Harry suggests trying to perform your cardio in the morning on an empty stomach - an approach that will help you to burn fat as well as fire up your metabolism for the day. Your weights programme should be saved for the afternoon or evening, when you'll have had at least two meals and plenty of hydration to aid you with your lifting. 

Cut Out Sugar

As with most weight-loss programmes, eradicating sugar and simple carbohydrates from your diet will bring about dramatic results. So beer, chocolate and bread are definitely off the menu. 

And while you shouldn't exactly be using it as a sports drink replacement, Harry suggests swapping out beer for neat Tequila over ice. It's extremely low in calories and by drinking it without mixer, you're lowering the amount of sugar that's going into your body.

Just don't overdo it, obviously.

Think About Posture

Finally, Harry says that one thing a lot of gym-goers neglect when they are focusing on their chests is posture. By performing a lot of pushing exercise you are tightening the muscles around your arm, neck and chest, which can result in hunched posture. Especially if you work at a desk all day.

To combat this, make sure you're adding some rows into your regular workouts. These can either be of the dumbbell or rowing machine variety, and will help you maintain symmetry and work the muscles in between your shoulder blades (another oft-forgotten area.)

For more information on Harry's work and personal training, visit