Maybe it all went wrong when amateur adventurer/journalist Sean Penn decided to take a secret mission/assignment into the depths of the Mexican jungle to meet with the most wanted man in the world. That was probably a bad idea. And surely, there's no way Penn would get out of this one without a tiny bit of awkwardness.

Now, Penn is worried that a new documentary called The Day I Met El Chapo (which sounds like a rom-com that I desperately want to see) will put his life in danger. As Penn argues, this documentary suggests that he alerted the Department of Justice about his mission to meet with Chapo. Penn denies he had anything to do with Chapo's subsequent capture. And the producer of the documentary says his film suggests no such thing.

As producer David Broome told EW:

Nowhere do we say that Sean Penn was in cahoots, cooperating, working for, or with, the D.O.J.—or anyone else in the United States government prior to going down there. Kate's criminal lawyer Harland Braun says in his opinion that Sean Penn would have told his attorney—who is a former federal prosecutor—that they were going down there. His attorney would have told someone at the United States government. Then the United States government would have told somebody in the Mexican government. What Harland was trying to say is: If you're Sean Penn and you're going to to see El Chapo in Mexico, would you just get on a plane going seven hours into the middle the jungle and not tell anyone? Not make sure that you are protected, at the very least, by journalistic immunity? That's different than saying Sean Penn was in cahoots with the D.O.J. That was their big concern. But really what I think is Sean was concerned he was going to look like a jerk. There were things that Kate said he did that put her life in jeopardy and he comes off looking bad based on things she said about him.

But, is it possible this film could put Penn's life at risk as the actor claims?

There is nothing in this documentary that is going to be the cause of Sean being in any kind of harm's way. If Sean Penn is in any harm's way at all, it wouldn't be because of this documentary ... It would be his own actions.

Honestly, what he really should be concerned with is admitting to millions of readers that he farted on a drug lord.

From: Esquire US