Idris Elba - suave, confident, extremely handsome Idris Elba - has finally landed the role so many have wanted him to play for so long.

No, not Bond.

Suave, confident, extremely handsome Idris Elba will become Quasimodo in a modern adaptation of The Hunchback of Notre Dame for Netflix.

Yes, you read that correctly.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Elba will also direct and produce the film, as well as putting together original music for it.

It's being billed as a "sonic and musical experience", which sounds like a bit of a leap from Victor Hugo's 1831 novel.

For the unfamiliar, The Hunchback of Notre Dame follows hunchbacked Quasimodo as he falls in love with a young Gypsy street dancer called Esmerelda and attempts to prevent her from being hanged for murder.

Spoiler: it doesn't end that well.

It's not the first time Elba has got behind the camera this year either.

Yardie - his first feature as a director was shown at the Sundance Film Festival in January. He then created, wrote and starred in Sky sitcom In The Long Run which dropped in March.