The new trailer for the next James Bond film, No Time To Die, is here, and it's stuffed with moments that have not previously appeared in any of the previous promo footage. We've collected them all here for you. You're very welcome.

How Bond survives that big jump off the bridge

It'd be quite a workaday way for James Bond to snuff it anyway, but now we know he dodges a Maserati by hiding behind a bit of the bridge...

james bond trailer

...before swinging down on a rope, as we've seen in previous trailers, and belting into the pillar of the bridge...

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...and bouncing onto the floor. Ouch.

Bond's new ride

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Behind what looks like M's silhouette is the Aston Martin Valhalla, one of four Astons which will make an appearance.

The new MI6 gang hanging with M

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Since Bond's retirement two years previously, this has been the line-up on Whitehall. Some very strong collars all round here.

Safin abducting Dr Swann

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Looking at that intact mask, this is before a big fight with Bond which leaves him with his characteristic facial scars.

"Forgive me"

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Looking at the notepaper that's written on – you can just make out what might be "palazzo" at the bottom – that might well be from Swann. There might be some trailer sleight-of-hand going on here, but the next frame that follows is this, at a dusty Italian cemetery.

james bond trailer

"The past isn't dead"

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Within that line lies the central mystery of No Time To Die at the minute: does he mean Safin? Or Blofeld? Or could it even be a reference to the long-dead Vesper Lynd? (Or, is it a sly dig at Tenet?)

"You can imagine why I've come back to play"

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Having got his visitor's pass, this looks like Bond's formal re-entry into the fray as a double-0 agent.

Ana de Armas's introduction

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"You're late," the CIA agent says as she greets Bond at a bar in Santiago. She proves to be extremely handy with both light weaponry and...

Ana de Armas's incredible unrolling travel tuxedo

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Washington's Q Branch is doing great work.

"I can see why you shot him"

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A nice Skyfall callback from Lashana Lynch's double-0 agent Nomi. Speaking of whom...

"I met your new double-0. She's a disarming young woman"

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The chafing between Nomi and Bond looks like it'll be a pretty major – and very enjoyable – bit of No Time To Die. Plus, very good shades.

An exploding boat

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That's presumably the one Bond's on when he's swimming underwater.

An exploding building

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Plus! A bomb that sprays out mini-bombs while it's falling down a lift shaft. The tech really seems to have been amped up a lot in No Time To Die, not least...

The fold-out glider which is actually a submarine

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The most Old Bond bit of the previous trailers turns out to be a majestic one-upping of the amphibious Lotus Elise from The Spy Who Loved Me.

A ship firing some rockets somewhere

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No idea where those are going. Next.

Safin's kimono/dressing gown

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Now you're talking. God-tier evil genius loungewear.

And a very, very good Range Rover-flipping sequence

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In a single shot, Bond spots a hostile vehicle coming at him out of the fog, ducks, sees it flip over him, and gives it a machine-gunning just for good measure. That kind of visual flair bodes extremely well.

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