Great movies aren't necessarily perfect movies. Sometimes directors and screenwriters make odd choices that stand out like a sore thumb in otherwise excellent films. Maybe they sneezed during the editing process.

Here are seven scenes we wish they'd just cut, already.

1. The Breakfast Club makeover

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John Hughes' seminal coming-of-ager is held close to the hearts of many for its sincere and unpatronising picture of teenagers – it's a classic, though it contains one weird misstep.

The group of misfits who have to share a Saturday detention discover that it doesn't matter what you look like or what social group you belong to. Each one of them is a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal.

Except if you're Allison (Ally Sheedy), the odd indie girl who's given a hyper-feminising makeover to transform her into generic, palatable girlfriend material for Emilio Estevez's jock. Back off Breakfast Bunch, let her be who she wants to be!

2. Lost in Translation - lip my stocking

Beloved for its strange, chaste romance between old Bill Murray and young Scarlett Johansson – both lonely isolated people living in a foreign country – Sofia Coppola's drama bungs in a bit of weird racism for laughs.

A 'premium fantasy' woman is sent to Bob's (Murray) hotel room where she asks him to 'lip my stockings' repeatedly before rolling around on the floor with her legs in the air. Not funny and kind of excruciating in every way.

3. Superman - Lois Lane does a poem

We love the chemistry between Christopher Reeve and Margot Kidder – most of the time. But in the scene where Supes takes the roving reporter for her first fly, the dialogue just gets really weird. Spoken in voiceover, the fast-talking career gal delivers a weird poem in rhyming couplets.

"I don't know who you are. Just a friend from another star. Here I am like a kid out of school. Holding hands with a god. I'm a fool."

It was originally written as a song for Lois to sing. Would that have been worse? Or just equally bad? Have a listen to Maureen McGovern's version and you decide.

4. Kingsman: The Secret Service - bottoms up

The first Kingsman movie was an edgy and energetic satire of James Bond starring a very likeable Taron Egerton as the rough-round-the-edges Eggsy, drafted into an upper-class spy society. It was smart, funny and generally speaking pretty good-natured, even in spite of its ultra-violence.

Except at the end, when it goes for a rough joke where an imprisoned Swedish princess – who has only just met Eggsy – offers him anal sex if he rescues her (and saves the world). Eggsy returns to her cell to call in the promise. And there's an actual shot of her bottom.

Never mind the fact that it's just crass and tasteless, it also turns the previously noble Eggsy into a bloke who would consider bum sex with a total stranger who's been locked up for months the ultimate reward, making him a total sleazebag.

5. Four Weddings and a Funeral - is it still raining?

Whether Four Weddings is truly a great movie is up for debate, though Mike Newell's comedy was certainly a groundbreaking event in Brit cinema that made Hugh Grant and Richard Curtis into huge stars.

The script is sharp, the structure (based around five events) is genius and there's a decent amount of chemistry between the couples. Except for the bit at the end where Charles (Grant) and Carrie (Andy MacDowell) are finally united in the rain.

"Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed," she simpers, unconvincingly. It's one of the cheesiest lines ever spoken.

"The character was so in love, she wasn't thinking about the fricking rain," MacDowell said in 2013 in defence of the line. Doesn't reduce the fromage factor though.

6. Django Unchained - Quentin's cameo

(Or possibly Quentin Tarantino in anything...)

Why the cult hero director likes to insert himself into his own movies, we just don't know, but it never turns out to be a good idea.

Never more so than in Western Django Unchained, where he appears in a completely superfluous scene as a deus ex machina (to help Jamie Foxx's Django escape), for some reason doing a dodgy Australian accent. It doesn't help that he's doing it opposite actual Australian John Jarratt.

7. Pulp Fiction - What's it like to kill a man?

The above scene is essentially in there so Butch (Bruce Willis) can discover that he's killed fellow boxer Floyd in a fight he's just fled (and so Tarantino can do that cool/quirky/whatever back projection effect through the windows of the car). It's an annoying and drawn-out scene which we could do with out.

It essentially consists of sexy Colombian taxi driver Esmeralda repeatedly asking, "What's it like to kill a man?", and Butch repeatedly replying, "I don't know, I didn't know he was dead until you said!", while changing his clothes. It could be worse though – Tarantino could have cast himself in a cameo as the sexy Colombian.

From: Digital Spy