Will Smith's new project with Netflix has always sounded a little, erm... different on paper, and to be honest, it looks it in reality, too.

But fear not – this is a good kind of different, and Bright's latest, and final, trailer ahead of its release later this month is just the proof you need.

Bright is kind of like the lovechild of Lord of the Rings, Suicide Squad and Bad Boys, and if that doesn't sound like an interesting combination to you then we're not sure what will.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

So, have a watch of Will Smith and Joel Edgerton (who's an orc, obviously) as two cops trying to save the world from a "nuclear weapon that grants wishes" right here.

You know you want to.

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Of course, it should come as no surprise that Bright delivers one of the weirdest movie premises we've seen for a while – director David Ayer has been promising us just that for a while.

While appearing at Comic-Con earlier this year, Ayer promised that Bright will pull absolutely no punches. Which is just as well, when it's about fairies, orcs, humans and nuclear weapons.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

"This ain't no bullshit PG-13 studio movie," David announced of the Netflix original. "This is real shit."

Bright, which reportedly cost $90 million to make, will premiere worldwide on Netflix on 22 December.

From: Digital Spy