Patrick Stewart has said that he would play his Star Trek Captain Jean-Luc Picard again, but only on one condition.

The actor played the role on TV from 1987 to 1994 and a series of Trek feature films and - while he isn't keen on returning to the role - has revealed the one idea that would make him reconsider.

"My feeling is I hung up the space suit and left all that behind a long time ago," he told Variety.

"Maybe if someone came up with a brilliant idea, I'd do it.

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"One thing that might interest me would be to bring all the existing casts of Star Trek from the last 50 years together for one big story."

The current TV Trek is Star Trek: Discovery, which premiered on CBS in September this year.

The series stars Jason Isaacs and Sonequa Martin Green as crew members aboard the USS Discovery.

Considering Discovery is a prequel to the original Star Trek series, the characters of Discovery are well ahead of Picard's time, making a crossover difficult.

So, is there a way around this?

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The answer? Of course!

Star Trek has done time travel before, with fan favourite Next Generation episode 'Yesterday's Enterprise' being one example

The episode aired in 1990, and saw an Enterprise from the past break through a time rift. It was such a hit that Quentin Tarantino even wants to make a film inspired by the episode.

So, why not blow the time rift open, have characters from across the Star Trek spectrum descend on Discovery and beat him to it?

From: Digital Spy