You're probably aware that robots are taking over the world. Perhaps you saw that video of one doing a backflip and promptly freaked the hell out.

And sure, they're coming for your job, but one thing they're definitely not going to beat you at is searching for porn.

Mammoth tube site YouPorn used a neural network of data science and machine learning teams to anticipate the next biggest trends in porn based on what people are searching for.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

The list reads like a randy uncle shouting out expletives mid-seizure, and features weird and wonderful delights such as 'dick hover', 'hardbore yore' and girl time 'flanty'.

Though with some it's easy to imagine what some were aiming at, there are others we'd rather not know (yes 'cock milking table', we're looking at you.)

The end is nigh.

Here's the full search list:

1. T’Challa & Shuri

2. asarian humlion

3. girl time flanty

4. Virtue and Moir

5. spray and pay

6. grandjob

7. german mom hour

8. lesbian masturbinge

9. cock milking table

10. big booble hoter french

11. passionation

12. doot sex

13. blowmowjob

14. cornal


16. pussy firking

17. free iGlasses porn

18. dick hover

19. mature gargasm

20. Senator Stormy

21. anal dangcuble

22. hardbore yore

23. sexxiatore

24. super cum

25. tang pong

26. shy ol mate

27. amateur in bathreesome

28. batish my yisel

29. analiasing

30. orgysty

31. beaf buts compilation

32. blow yo

33. big blomjob

34. put fingerer

35. gorgy

36. wow