Prepare yourself for another brilliant, provocative and genuinely scary horror movie, because the team behind Get Out are working on a brand new project.

Get Out's winning combination of production company Blumhouse and Universal are teaming up along with Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof for a politically-minded thriller called The Hunt.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Damon Lindelof has penned the script alongside Nick Cuse (the son of his Lost co-worker Carlton Cuse), with the film being directed by Craig Zobel, who's worked on the likes of American Gods and Westworld.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Apparently aiming to strike the same sort of tone as the award-winning – and instant fan-favourite – Get Out, it's believed that The Hunt will take inspiration from the current political climate in the US and the stark division between the left and right.

Now that is scary.

This isn't the first time Lindelof, Cuse and Zobel have all worked together – the three also joined forces for the HBO drama The Leftovers, which concluded in emotional fashion last year.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

The Leftovers, a topsy-turvy, post-apocalyptic drama, starred the likes of Justin Theroux, Carrie Coon, Anne Dowd and Christopher Eccleston.

Despite its stellar cast and original premise, its cast and fans couldn't help but feel that the series was snubbed come awards season. Let's hope the same can't be said for The Hunt, eh?

From: Digital Spy