For the last year and a half, I've had a sticky note on my computer that just reads "Dead Stark Reunion." A while back, I had what I thought was a great idea for a video that never actually came to fruition. Thankfully, it appears HBO is going to actually make my dream a reality.

Entertainment Weekly has confirmed that a Game of Thrones reunion is definitely happening. Unfortunately, you won't be able to watch it on HBO. Instead, the reunion will be part of a Game of Thrones box set that includes seasons one through eight.

It's not certain which dead Starks will be involved, but according to EW, Sean Bean (Ned) will definitely be there, and it's likely Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo) will be around as well. It's likely we'll also see the doomed Caitlyn Stark, Rickon Stark, and Robb Stark, too. Plus there's also the hundreds of other characters that have died in this bloodbath of a show. And the whole thing will be hosted by Conan O'Brien (who will hopefully survive, as any Game of Thrones gathering is usually deadly).

My hope is to see a re-match between Pedro Pascal (Oberyn Martell) and Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (the non-zombie Mountain). Or just Hodor. Please bring back sweet, beautiful Hodor.

From: Esquire US
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Matt Miller
Culture Editor

Matt Miller is a Brooklyn-based culture/lifestyle writer and music critic whose work has appeared in Esquire, Forbes, The Denver Post, and documentaries.