It has been exactly one year since Game of Thrones Season Seven ended, but that hasn't stopped fans from wildly speculating about every shot of the sets, actors getting tattooed, etc. in the meantime. Thankfully, our sweet, benevolent overlords at HBO have gifted us with the first brief footage from Game of Thrones Season Eight. Here it is:

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Did you catch it at 1:10?

Here take another look:

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Like I said...brief!

But this is definitely not nothing. While the rest of the footage in this trailer is from the previous season, Entertainment Weekly has confirmed this is a new scene.

That's Jon Snow greeting Sansa, likely right after his sexy boat cruise with his aunt Daenerys Targaryen.

Sansa looks none too pleased, though (maybe because her brother just had sex with his aunt?). Some fans on Reddit have also pointed out a couple of things about this clip: 1) Does Jon have his hair in Targaryen braids? 2) Who is angry Sansa looking at? Could it be Daenerys?

Well we have a lot more time to wait. So enjoy these 2 seconds.

From: Esquire US
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Matt Miller
Culture Editor

Matt Miller is a Brooklyn-based culture/lifestyle writer and music critic whose work has appeared in Esquire, Forbes, The Denver Post, and documentaries.