At noon today you’ll be able to find out if you were one of the British-based Facebook users who had their data mined by Cambridge Analytica.

Logging into your Facebook account, UK users will be confronted with one of the two privacy messages displayed below:

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

The longer message indicates that your information was collected by the shady analytics company.

Around 70 million people were hit by the scandal across the world, with US profiles making up the far majority of cases. All 2.2 billion Facebook users will receive one of the two notices.

“As part of this process we will also tell people if their information may have been improperly shared with Cambridge Analytica,” said Facebook’s chief technology officer Mike Schroepfer in a blog post.

The Facebook app responsible, called 'This Is Your Digital Life', functioned as a typical personality quiz. Participants didn’t realise, however, that the questionnaire, created by academic researcher Aleksander Kogan, would go on to harvest their data.

When the scandal broke, the hashtag #DeleteFacebook trended worldwide. Mark Zuckerberg has accepted blame for the privacy breach, calling it a “huge mistake.”