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The teasing will not stand, man. If our eyes aren't deceiving us, it appears that The Dude, in all his printed sweater glory, will return. Does that mean we're getting a sequel to The Big Lebowski a full 20 years after the original?

Jeff Bridges posted a 15-second clip on Twitter Thursday afternoon with the very Lebowski-type truism: Can’t be living in the past, man. Stay tuned. Duly noted, man. The clip has The Dude, looking fresh as ever in sunglasses and his signature sweater, stepping into a room that looks like it's seen better days. He lets out a quick chuckle as a tumbleweed rolls by revealing the date of 3 February, 2019.

Does The Dude, His Dudeness, or El Duderino need a sequel? Probably not. Sometimes it's best not to try and recreate something so perfect to begin with. The Big Lebowski, which originally was released in 1998, has become a Coen brothers cult classic. The clip is likely just Bridges resurrecting his (greatest?) character for a quick Super Bowl spot (which lands on 3 February), but it's nice to know after all this time that Jeffrey Lebowski is still out there living his truth. Perhaps bowling with a little Lebowski?

To quote The Stranger, "I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowing he's out there, the Dude, takin' 'er easy for all us sinners." We'll see you 3 February, El Duderino. We're waiting.

From: Esquire US
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Justin Kirkland

Justin Kirkland is a Brooklyn-based writer who covers culture, food, and the South. Along with Esquire, his work has appeared in NYLON, Vulture, and USA Today.