Having starred in more than 125 films in a 69-year career, you can't get on Michael Caine's back for having made a few duds. That'd be unfair. The man's vastly, vastly in credit. That said, he's got a few in his locker, and Caine has revealed that the bottom of his barrel is the turgid enviro-punch-up On Deadly Ground.

On Deadly Ground wasn't a hit - "You can't preach about preserving the environment and make movies full of sludge," as the New York Times put it at the time - and it sounds like it wasn't much of a laugh hanging out with main man and evil David Brent Steven Seagal.

"It wasn't one of my dream experiences, to put it nicely," Caine told Rolling Stone. "We were in Alaska. He was quite pleasant, but I never saw much of him; he never came out of his motorhome very much. He was one of the top whatever it is - jiu-jitsu, whatever it is they do. I’d never argue with him. I didn't want him to throw me over."

Tiptoeing around the man who's now Vladimir Putin's special envoy to the United States does at least seem slightly less viscerally disgusting than Caine's other big regret, the bee-based disaster movie The Swarm.

"I did it without reading the script, because I said, 'Who's in it?' and they gave this me great big star list: Henry Fonda, Olivia de Havilland, Jose Ferrer," Caine said. "One day we were all having a conversation with live bees above us, and suddenly we noticed all these little black dots on our shirts. The bees were shitting on us. And so the first review was in."