I am not the managing editor of any newspaper and there are about 298 excellent reasons why that’s the case. However, I can’t believe there was enough BREAKING! news this weekend that this story from CBS News got buried. I mean, there can’t be that much interest in Rudy Giuliani’s travails elsewhere in the galaxy, can there?

The Department of Defense established The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force to study videos like these and other unexplained sightings. Gough said the task force has included these incidents in their ongoing examinations.
The article posted on Mystery Wire claimed to have obtained information about "sensitive briefings prepared by the UAP Task Force." "The Task Force reports noted that the objects were able to remain stationary in high winds, with no movement, beyond the capability of known balloons or drones," Mystery Wire reported.

Let us pause for a moment and gaze at the wonder that is CBS News quoting something called Mystery Wire. But there’s much more to marvel at in the story itself. The ice is starting to crack on the subject of strange lights in the sky.

The intelligence community is expected to publicly brief Congress on some of these sightings this summer after the Senate Intelligence Committee asked for more information on UFOs.

Hot damn.

This news came on the heels of a long piece in the New Yorker about the sudden interest in the Pentagon UFO reports for which there is no easy explanation. One of the more interesting elements of the story is the conspicuous involvement of former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who, as a senator from Nevada, represented UFO country.

In 2007, Bigelow received a letter from a senior official at the Defense Intelligence Agency who was curious about Skinwalker. Bigelow connected him to an old friend from the Nevada desert, Senator Harry Reid, who was then the Senate Majority Leader, and the two men met to discuss their common interest in U.F.O.s. The D.I.A. official later visited Skinwalker, where, from a double-wide observation trailer on site, he is said to have had a spectral encounter; as one Bigelow affiliate described it, he saw a “topological figure” that “appeared in mid-air” and “went from pretzel-shaped to Möbius-strip-shaped.”

The piece talks about a $22 million entry that Reid shepherded through the Pentagon’s so-called “black budget” that Reid said was used to study UFOs.

The Pentagon was not enthusiastic. As one former intelligence official put it, “There were some government officials who said, ‘We shouldn’t be doing this, this is really ridiculous, this is a waste of money.’ ” He went on, “And then Reid would call them out of a meeting and say, ‘I want you to be doing this. This was appropriated.’ It was sort of like a joke that bordered on an annoyance and people worried that if this all came out, that the government was spending money on this, this will be a bad story.” The Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program was announced in a public solicitation for bids to examine the future of warfare. U.F.O.s were not mentioned, but according to Reid the subtext was clear.

Eventually, a report concerning that research hit the New York Times, and it was an instant sensation in the UFO research community. It was a serious report on a serious subject, and nobody made any Yoda jokes. Since then, the Times has established a UFO beat, and Harry Reid is still on the case.

“I was told for decades that Lockheed had some of these retrieved materials,” he said. “And I tried to get, as I recall, a classified approval by the Pentagon to have me go look at the stuff. They would not approve that. I don’t know what all the numbers were, what kind of classification it was, but they would not give that to me.” He told me that the Pentagon had not provided a reason. I asked if that was why he’d requested SAP status for AATIP. He said, “Yeah, that’s why I wanted them to take a look at it. But they wouldn’t give me the clearance.”

If I ever became president, I swear I wouldn’t get a lick of work done. I’d be too busy looking at dusty files.

From: Esquire US
Headshot of Charles P. Pierce
Charles P. Pierce

Charles P Pierce is the author of four books, most recently Idiot America, and has been a working journalist since 1976. He lives near Boston and has three children.