It'd be hard to bounce back from earning Robert De Niro's disapproval. You know the face he does. The eyebrow arches up in sarcastic confusion. The bottom lip juts out. The eyes burrow straight into the back of your skull. Maybe there's a little snort of mirthless laughter that says: Christ, I can't believe I believed in this guy. This face.

The Irishman Robert De Niro

That's the sort of look which could absolutely finish you off. Now the new trailer for Martin Scorsese's gangster epic The Irishman has given us the opportunity to see how your forebears and your first-born might have felt and will feel when fixed with that glare.

preview for The Irishman - Trailer

The de-ageing CGI shows us that if your great-granddad had had a bust-up with De Niro while they were meant to be liberating Paris in 1944 - perhaps over who had the last high-calorie cracker ration - he'd have been walloped with this.

The Irishman Robert De NiroĀ 

And if your dad took De Niro's usual parking spot outside Morrison's for the Saturday morning Big Shop some time in the mid-80s, he'd have had to deal with this.

The Irishman Robert De Niro

And when your son boots his hover-ball over the garden wall and into old man De Niro's greenhouse, he'll be terribly maimed by this look.

The Irishman Robert De Niro

It's good to know that the full range of De Niro disapproval has been captured for all time in The Irishman. They should list it like Stonehenge so generations to come can be utterly crumpled by its power.

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