The race to colonise Mars is well underway, but it turns out that, at present, the journey there may not be too kind on your body.

According to a study published in Scientific Reports, travelling through space causes the body's core temperature to rise, which can lead to mental and physical decline over the course of just a few months. Which isn't ideal if you're spearheading the future of your species.

Researchers studied 11 astronauts over their stay on the International Space Station. The average core body temperature for humans is 37C, but the ISS astronauts exceeded 40C.

Not only does this make it more difficult to function in space, scientists are also worried the same problem will affect humans on Earth as the planet heats up due to global warming, which basically means it isn't looking good either way.

Now, we're not saying we've outsmarted NASA, but we may have a solution: has anyone tried giving astronauts hand-held fans during missions? No? OK then, back to the drawing board...