There's plenty going on in the Star Wars galaxy with Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss confirmed to write and produce a new series of films. There are also multiple Star Wars TV shows in the works for Disney's forthcoming streaming service.

So, yes, a lot of lightsabers and complicated family history coming at you. But now to Star Wars: Episode 9, the final instalment in the sequel trilogy which director J.J Abrams has just announced will start shooting this summer.

Another exciting confirmed detail is that art director Paul Inglis has joined the crew. Inglis' most recent work is the visually stunning Blade Runner 2049, and he has also served as an AD on Skyfall, Game of Thrones, Prometheus, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation and Children of Men.

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Whilst fans and conspiracy theorists have guessed the title will be 'For The Resistance', the current working title is 'Black Diamond'.

Sadly you'll have to wait until 20 December 2019 to see Episode IV, but you can rest assured that it's going to look absolutely beautiful.