After seeing the collective shrug which greeted Solo: A Star Wars Story, Lucasfilm has said there'll be no more Star Wars spin-offs for anybody.

According to Collider, the mooted Obi Wan Kenobi and Boba Fett films which were being developed have been shelved by Lucasfilm, which has decided, after repeated slaps from fans and critics, to turn this car around and head back to Winnipeg to focus on making the final part of JJ Abrams' trilogy instead.

After a particularly fraught production process during which original directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller were sacked, Ron Howard was brought in and the final act was overhauled, Solo: A Star Wars Story made $84 million on its opening weekend and has made about $343 million worldwide since, putting it way behind the previous Star Wars spin-off Rogue One which opened to $155 million and made $424 million in America alone.

There is, though, going to be a new trilogy of Star Wars films which will follow characters introduced in the latest trilogy, which will be put together by The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson.