The original Xbox controller is widely considered to be one of the worst ever made. A bulky, crippling behemoth that was quickly put out to pasture as the complaints rolled in.

Microsoft replaced it with a smaller, more responsive model that children could actually use, and it ultimately inspired every Xbox gamepad after it. But there are some players – hostages to nostalgia with huge, freakish hands – who have campaigned for The Duke’s return for over a decade.

Their day has finally come – because third-party developer Hyperkin has teamed up with Xbox to create an officially licensed ‘Duke’ for Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy


It’s a faithful recreation of the iconic 2003 controller, and comes in a translucent green (reminiscent of the limited edition Xbox console from launch). A traditional black model is also available, and both retail at £69.99.

What’s more, you can press the Xbox button on the controller to get the original Xbox animated start-up screen. Check out the big reveal below, and may the Lord have mercy on your fingers.

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Nick Pope
Site Director

Nick Pope is the Site Director of Esquire, overseeing digital strategy for the brand.