James Bond doesn't follow rules. He's snarky with line managers. His licence to kill is over-used at best (and abused at worst). No Time To Die is likely no different. But for all his chasing of supervillains when strongly instructed not to do so, Bond's wardrobe follows the rules and diktats set by Savile Row's cigar-toting rulebook. It's traditional stuff. But Daniel Craig changed tack of late, ditching the classic silhouette for a suit far from 007's repertoire.

And that is a very, very good thing.

knives out daniel craig

For in the signature suits of Kim Jones' Dior - fluid, futuristic looking things that often settle for a single side fastening - the small details reset our expectations of the humble two-piece. Upon first glance, it's very similar to a classic suit. But look closer, and the little touches (like aforementioned side fastening, and the tunic-like cut, and the lithe way it broadens the shoulders) set the outfit ablaze. Which, coincidentally, was styled by Esquire's very own fashion director, Catherine Hayward.

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What's more, it's not quite Met Gala iconoclasm, or the red carpets of Chadwick Boseman et al. It's subtle. And at the LA premiere of dark detective comedy Knives Out, Craig's Dior twist is a quieter way to step to the fore - and step out from the big Bond-shaped shadow.

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