Stepping out in LA wearing a pair of shiny leather trousers, a leopard-print jacket and pointy shoes, Nicholas Cage marked yet another stage in one of the most epic, decade-long style transformations we’ve ever been fortunate enough to witness.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

In the time that’s elapsed since 2008, Nick has shifted from sharp tailoring to shiny turquoise bomber jackets and beyond. This new leathery look is just the latest addition in a string of increasingly odd style moves, and if the past few months are anything to go by it looks like they’re here to stay.

We first got a taste of Cage’s cow-hide leg sheaths back in January when he appeared at the Sundance Film Festival sporting them with a fur coat, no less. Since then, for better or worse, they’ve seen a fair bit of action. Even during the scorching summer months when, let’s face it, jet-black leather isn’t exactly the most practical fabric to wrap your lower half in.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Each time he dons new outfit, we swear it can’t get any weirder. Each time he dons a new outfit, he proves us wrong. In short, we’re not sure what is going on with Nick’s wardrobe but let’s just say if we found out aliens were somehow controlling it from outer space we wouldn’t be surprised. Never change, Nick.