Rappers and fashion: a tale as old as time. Though before Kanye flogged nude-coloured sportswear and Young Thug opted for dresses, it was the likes of Notorious B.I.G. that triggered hip-hop's love affair with all things designer. And now, it's an era you can relive thanks to Versace's latest reissue.

The new Biggie shades - a rejig of the New Yorker's iconic nineties wide-style sunglasses - are set to make another appearance thanks to US luxury retailer Barney's.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

With Versace's trademark Medusa medallion accents and a throwback low-lens design, the sunglasses will be available from 8 October for one month only. So that means if you want to live life like you're puttin' five karats in your baby girl's ear, you'll have to be quick off the mark.

Get yours for £225 from Barney's online tomorrow, with UK shipping now available onsite.