The title of Best Barbie Cameo is one which will keep historians of cinema occupied for decades. Is it John Cena, popping up as a Kenmaid? Is it Lizzo singing the introductory Barbieland song? The most unexpected is, for our money, probably Rob Brydon as Sugar Daddy Ken. (Not that kind of Sugar Daddy. His dog is called Sugar. This Ken is his daddy. Sugar Daddy Ken.)

But for us, and for all menswear, the standout cameo in a movie absolutely packed to the gills with them wasn’t any of the roughly 400 Barbies and Kens (and one Alan). It was that fluffy, tie-dyed, extremely snuggly looking hoodie Gosling’s Ken wears once he’s found his serenity right at the end. As soon as we saw it announcing “I AM KENOUGH”, we knew. We just knew. It was a calculated prop drop just when we were at our most vulnerable, and we’ve fallen for it hook, line and sinker. Mattel know what they’re doing.

Gosling himself knew too: he took on the “I am Kenough” slogan early on in the promo rounds, and has been dropping it now and then ever since.

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Ken’s a big cosy boy, or at least he would be if there were ever any windchill down on the beach in Barbieland. But can you be a big cosy boy, in this complicated real world of ours?

Where to buy the ‘I Am Kenough’ hoodie

Mattel Creations – that's "an elevated collector platform that offers a canvas for the most innovative creators of today and tomorrow to tinker with," it says here – has sprung into action with its movie-accurate recreation of Ken-Gosling's look from the finale. You can buy it here, but know that it's still on pre-order for the minute. You'll not actually get hold of it before the end of September.

There's also an I Am Kenough tie-dye tee, an I Am Kenough tie-dye cap and an I Am Kenough mug. However you want to tell everyone that you're Kenough, you've got merch to cover you.