The only really crucial role that Idris Elba ever needs to occupy is not that of a suave, martini-downing spy, but a rough-around-the-edges detective. Less black tie, more bar brawl. Good news, then: Luther is back, not with another series, but an actual film. Luther: The Fallen Sun (out now on Netflix) finds the hardened detective fallen on, well, hard times. He’s locked away in prison, while an endlessly cruel and very well-resourced villain (played by Andy Serkis) wreaks havoc across the UK.

In the run-up to the film’s release, Elba joined Esquire to take part in an episode of Freeze Frame, breaking down pivotal scenes from Luther’s latest outing – from an incendiary prison break-out sequence to a tattoo parlour chase. (If you take one piece of advice from this, it should be: do not let Luther near a tattoo gun.) What’s going through Luther’s head? What was it like working with Serkis? How, exactly, do you manage to block out Piccadilly Circus for filming? In a cavernous West London film studio, an animated and straight-talking Elba answered all this, as engaged with the cult of Luther as much as any feverish fan. James who?

Headshot of Henry Wong
Henry Wong
Senior Culture Writer

Henry Wong is a senior culture writer at Esquire, working across digital and print. He covers film, television, books, and art for the magazine, and also writes profiles.