An angry Star Wars fan has launched an online petition for The Last Jedi to be removed from canon.

While the latest film has secured some pretty cracking reviews from critics, it has also proved a thoroughly divisive episode for some die-hard fans.

And now, one such viewer has set up a petition to "have Disney strike Star Wars Episode VIII from the official canon" following the release of the movie last week.

Indeed, it seems Henry Walsh was so put off by the film that his petition asks for Episode IX to be pushed back and for Episode VIII to be remade into something that isn't The Last Jedi to save "the legacy of Luke Skywalker".

preview for Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer

"Episode Eight was a travesty," the petition reads.

"It completely destroyed the legacy of Luke Skywalker and the Jedi. It destroyed the very reasons most of us, as fans, liked Star Wars.

"This can be fixed. Just as you wiped out 30 years of stories, we ask you to wipe out one more, The Last Jedi. Remove it from canon, push back Episode Nine and re-make Episode Eight properly to redeem Luke Skywalker's legacy, integrity, and character.

"We stuck by you when you did things that hurt us before, so we ask you now, please don't let this film stand. Don't do this to us.

"Don't take something so many of us loved so much and destroy it like this. Let us keep our heroes.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

As of Tuesday morning (19 December), the petition had more than 6,000 signatures.

However, if you do want to count The Last Jedi as an official Star Wars entry, it is in cinemas now.

The Last Jedi is directed by Rian Johnson and stars Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Mark Hamill, Laura Dern, Kelly Marie Tran, Oscar Isaac and the irreplaceable Carrie Fisher, who passed away in December last year.

From: Digital Spy