For something seemingly so childlike and simple, Nintendo characters generate a lot of debate and fan theories about... well, all manner of things to be honest.

One of the longest-running ones, one that you definitely won't be able to stop questioning after you first think about it, is whether constant Super Mario companion Toad is wearing a mushroom-shaped hat, or if it's really his head.

Older Nintendo cartoons stated that it was just a hat, as he was able to take it off without his brain falling out. Obviously these aren't really canon but it's still something fans can't decide on.

Luckily, Nintendo's Deputy General Manager Yoshiaki Koizumi, who directed Super Mario Galaxy and produced Super Mario Odyssey, answered that burning question and more in a new developer video:

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"So that, as it turns out, is actually Toad's head," he said.

"I'm going to have to leave it to all of you to figure out exactly how that works out. Maybe there's something inside…"

On to a more recent topic of contention among Nintendo fans: why doesn't Mario have a belly button in Odyssey?

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Koizumi revealed that it wasn't something the dev team actually thought about: "Once I heard that people were talking so much about Mario's belly button, it made me start to think about whether we should revisit the topic on the design side."

From: Digital Spy
Joe Anderton
Joe Anderton is a freelance news writer at Digital Spy.