It's been a week since a gunman killed 14 of their classmates, and the impassioned students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have shown they will not go away quietly or mourn in silence.

As well as taking Trump and NRA-funded Republican politicians to task on Twitter, they are calling for legislative changes on gun control to stop other children dying under their #NeverAgain campaign.

In an attempt to appear to be taking their protests seriously, Trump met with victims of the shooting at the White House yesterday in a session that was televised on CNN.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Trump took handwritten notes to the meeting, which the stable genius then positioned facing the camera, meaning they were able to be seen.

The partially legible notes written on White House stationary seem to be reminding him to listen to students, or at least to tell them he's listening.

They read:

1. What would you like me to know most about your experience?

2. What can we do to help you feel safe?

4. Resources? Ideas?

5. I hear you.

Because crib notes for empathy are always useful.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

During the meeting, Trump said he was considering arming teachers in an attempt to protect students as he clearly believes more guns in schools is the answer to the debate.

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