Brad Pitt! You know the guy: does that handsome actor thousand yard stare a lot. Has 12ish children. Embodies the entire aesthetic of every woman he dates to the point where his haircut and dress style are exactly identical to hers.

You may not be aware of the latter point, but it is this breaking news we bring you today, courtesy of a now-viral tweet which has dredged up the evidence that Pitt is a shapeshifter extraordinaire.

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The article appears to be from the Daily Express and published back in 2006, glorious pre-Brexit days when they were giving the people what they really want - lots of photos of Brad matching with his girlfriends.

In the archive we see a Brad for every occasion: with Angelina Jolie in matching secret agent sunglasses, copying Jennifer Anniston's tousled blonde locks and looking as though he's just chugged a pint of Sancerre. He even tried Gwyneth Paltrow's cropped blonde hair and pained expression on for size.

A doppelgänging nod of feminist solidarity spanning decades. Kudos, Brad.