Look at you, Googling “Red Dead Redemption 2” every five seconds, sifting for nuggets of new information like a desperate, unwashed prospector. It’s pathetic.

But understandable. We’re doing the same thing, and we’ve been rewarded with a little in-game Easter egg for our troubles. According to TechRaptor, a gtaforums.com user called Morgan (okay, it’s not the New York Times but we’ll take anything at this point) has found out that disabling the game’s minimap will change the dialogue within the game.

The user revealed: “Apparently, the dialogs will also change if you play without the HUD. They tell you to go north and discribe the place where you need to go for example instead of a icon om the minimap. Didn’t know that yet…”

He says he discovered the tidbit from a Belgian and Dutch gaming magazine called GAMEPLAY. A Belgian forum member backed Morgan up, so it might just check out.

Red Dead 2 wouldn’t be the first game to try out such a feature. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind forced users to find their way by consulting their journal, and Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey has an exploration mode which makes the game feel less linear.

We’ll have to wait until the game is finally released on 26 October to find out if gtaforums’ Morgan is a damn, dirty liar – until then, why not read about the Red Dead original you probably never played?


Nick Pope
Site Director

Nick Pope is the Site Director of Esquire, overseeing digital strategy for the brand.