Some new Avengers: Endgame toys have turned up on Instagram, and assuming they're not knock-offs of the kind you get down the market with names like 'The Invincible Holk' and 'Flying Patriotic Shield Man' they might point to what's going to happen in the final shake-up.

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These are new uniforms/suits/iterations of a plastic doll for Captain America and War Machine, and quite a few people have pointed out that they might need new kit if they're going to make it to the Quantum Realm, which is popularly mooted as a means by which the recently-dusted members of the gang (and the universe at large) can be returned to their previous, solid state.

Then again, it might be a load of old cobblers. That's certainly what co-director Joe Russo thinks of taking toy leaks as a sign of what will or won't happen in an upcoming film.

"What’s interesting about toy leaks is that 99 percent of the time they’re not accurate," Russo told Collider last week. "Because toys are, frankly, tailored to either old concepts or completely different concepts than what’s in the movie. I laugh a lot when those toy leaks show up because I'm like, well, that’s great, because that’s a misdirect [laughs]. Because it has nothing to do with the film."

But then again, he would say that wouldn't he? A misdirection within a misdirection. Very, very clever.