It’s fair to say that Ed Sheeran’s brief Game of Thrones cameo, in which he played a warbling Lannister soldier, didn’t get a great reception from fans of the show. It’s also fair to say that absolutely hated it.

preview for Ed Sheeran's cameo in Game Of Thrones

The vitriolic backlash – which included many people demanding that Arya’s dire wolf tear Sheeran’s soldier limb from limb – ultimately helped to drive the singer-songwriter off of social media. The character never returned, and Twitter’s cruel bloodlust went unsatiated.

Until now, that is. The long-awaited Game of Thrones season 8 opener alludes to the fate of Sheeran’s soldier after his meeting with Arya in last season's premiere – and it’s even grislier than a dire wolf attack.

The revelation came during a scene in which Bronn becomes irritated by three gossiping serving girls, who are speculating about the fates of several Lannister soldiers.

One of the girls mentions a ginger soldier, named “Eddie”, who had his face burned off by Daenerys' dragons during ‘The Spoils of War’s climactic battle. What’s more, she says that the singing soldier no longer has any eyelids.

Will an unblinking Sheeran return to the show? It’s unlikely, given the reaction he received last time. The singer-songwriter himself predicted Eddie’s demise back in 2017, too. "I doubt I'm going to survive for that long, to be honest, when there are dragons in the world," he told MTV News. "No-one wants to see me come back."

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