The first Pacific Rim was... actually not that bad. It had Idris Elba, giant robots, man-hungry sea monsters and the dramatic eye of Guillermo Del Toro behind the camera. It took the good parts of Godzilla, Cloverfield and Transformers and blended it into a perfectly palatable action movie smoothie (say it again with us!)

But that was the original Pacific Rim.

This is Pacific Rim Uprising and it looks... bad.

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With Del Toro and Elba gone, it's down to Steven S. DeKnight (us neither) to take on the role of director and John Boyega (playing Elba's son) to take the lead, which so far seems to involve him shouting things to the effect of, "Can I get a HELL YEAH!" at everyone around him all the time.

Following a similar mech-vs-monster narrative, Uprising will see Boyega attempt to step out of his father's shadow and lead an earthly defence against the returning Kaiju (the big sea monsters), along with a group of inexperienced pilots. Blah, blah, blah.

Although to be fair, The Transformers series had grossed nearly £4 billion at the box office, so you can probably bet on this being a hit.

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Finlay Renwick
Deputy Style Editor
Mother, blogger, vegan, model, liar