Chris Hemsworth is in the best shape of his career after building more strength and muscle than ever before for Extraction 2 and Thor: Love and Thunder—and he's encouraging his fans to get fit too.

The actor frequently shares workouts and recipes on his Instagram from his health, fitness and wellness app Centr, programmed in part by trainer Luke Zocchi and chef Dan Chruchill. Previous offerings have included tasty protein shake recipes (smoothies became a saving grace for Hemsworth during his eight-meals-a-day Love & Thunder shoot), a battle rope and medicine ball routine to absolutely burn the upper body, and a number of low-impact, equipment-free bodyweight workouts that are suitable for any level of fitness.

In his most recent Centr session on Instagram, Hemsworth demonstrates a "monster" workout that will challenge your endurance while only requiring one piece of equipment: a bar. The routine consists of 7 different exercises, each performed a total of 100 times.

"This one's a monster, not for the faint hearted," says Hemsworth in the video. "Go at your own pace and give it a crack!"

The workout is as follows:

  • 10 x reverse bicep curls
  • 10 x overhead press
  • 10 x tricep extensions
  • 10 x squats
  • 10 x lunges
  • 10 x bent over rows
  • 10 x standing twists

Perform the entire circuit continuously without stopping between sets, for a total of 10 rounds.

If you're tempted to attempt this routine yourself, you may want to try it out using a pair of dumbbells as opposed to a barbell, as this will allow you to move using a greater range of motion instead of gripping the fixed line of the bar.

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From: Men's Health US