Hey Luke,

I'm mulling over a career change to become a personal trainer in the new year. Would you recommend it? And tips for getting started?



Dear Anon,

That's great to hear, but there are a few things I would suggest bearing in mind before taking the plunge.

The first one is that entering an already saturated industry a little later in life, you may find yourself having to play catch up for a while. If we consider it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert, coming into something in your 30s will mean proficiency and expertise coming closer to your 5th decade!

So long as you’ve made peace with the above and you’re set to retrain, then my advice is to be scrupulous with your training provider . The level 3 PT qualification is the industry accepted minimum level to work as a personal trainer. However, who and where you obtain it from is important. Be wary of providers offering solely remote learning - and especially those advertising 100% pass rates. As much as I’m sure you want to get the relevant boxes ticked as quickly and as hassle free as possible, any employer worth their salt will pay attention to where you obtained your certificates.

you’ll learn as much from your clients as they will from you

I would also say it is important to understand that the minimum standard level 3 certificate should be the beginning of your learning journey, not the end. Think of it as a little like your driving test – passing it means you’re not dangerous, it doesn’t mean you’re an expert. Once you’ve got your certificates my advice is to complete as many sessions as you can over the next 9-12 months. I’m a huge advocate of continuing education – but no amount of weekend courses is a substitute for actual on the ground practice in those initial months you’ll learn as much from your clients as they will from you!

The final point I would make is one I have stolen from Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers, and that is not to be tempted to follow trends. The fitness industry is particularly fickle, with fads coming and going almost with the seasons. Attempting to align yourself with each and every one is a sure fire way for both your credibility and your bank account to take a hammering. Instead focus on building your practical experience and your technical expertise in the areas that interest you the most, then when the time comes for your skill set to be in demand you’ll be the perfectly positioned credible expert.

If you can navigate your way around these potential bumps in the road, then a career in fitness can be one of the most rewarding decisions you can make, helping people lead more healthy, fulfilling (and hopefully longer) lives. Plus, you get to go to work in sweat pants. Whats not to love!?

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Luke Worthington is an Elite Master Trainer and Trainer Educator at Third Space Group. He's also a former professional rugby player and a former world endurance record holder.