We'd forgive anyone who finds the preternatural enthusiasm of spin instructors a little alienating. Who, after all, is that happy before 6am? And midway through the hill climbs, no less. But, according to the latest science, there might be good reason for their gusto - and you can harness it for yourself, too. In a study by Iowa State University, 30 volunteers who were experiencing symptoms of depression were assigned to either a half-hour indoor cycling session or asked to sit and rest for the allotted time. All participants were quizzed on their mental state before, during and after the task to gain insights into their mood, their capacity for pleasure and enjoyment, and their cognitive function (ie their ability to think clearly and process lots of information at once).

Not only did the cycling group report feeling brighter both during and after their workout, their moods remained elevated for at least 75 minutes after they'd hopped off and towelled down. The researches posit that there may be a golden window of opportunity - post exercise, during which those struggling with depression find mentally or emotionally draining tasks more effortless - whether that's taking control of a work meeting, completing a fiddly admin task or simply having a difficult conversation. In other words, 30 minutes of cardio might be the ultimate nootropic.

To test the findings, scientists even carried out a follow-up study, in which a small number of volunteers were asked to go for a brisk run, walk or bike ride before a virtual therapy session; those who trained before talking it out made notably quicker progress than a control group. Whether you're going through a period of poor mental health or just feel a little burned out, there's sense in scheduling your toughest tasks for the post-cardio window.

From: Men's Health UK