Your average home workout loads up on plenty of bodyweight exercises, and for good reason: press-ups and squats are fundamental pieces of any fitness routine, and you need to hold mastery over them.

But after a while, they can get boring. And while they can definitely push you to gains, those mainstay moves can’t do everything. That’s why many add home gear, things like adjustable dumbbells, kettlebells, and parallettes. But you actually don’t need all that kit to get a good home session.

You can actually get a vicious home workout with a piece of gear that may be lying around in your gym bag: the resistance band. If you’re stuck at home and you’ve exhausted basic bodyweight exercises and their variations, it’s the perfect home workout companion. It's kind to your wallet, too.

DOMYOS 25kg Training Band
DOMYOS 25kg Training Band
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Credit: Decathlon
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The Resistance Band Workout

Directions: Do this workout as a circuit. Do three rounds of the circuit, resting one minute between each. You’ll be wrapped up with the entire session in about 15 minutes.

Resistance Band Squat

Wrap a resistance band around your legs, just above your knees. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width, core tight, knees pulling the resistance band outwards. Bend at the knees and push your butt back, lowering your thighs until they’re about parallel with the ground; stand back up, continuing to pull the resistance band tight. That’s 1 rep; do 15. Some basic squat tips, which apply to this squat variation, are below.

preview for Goblet Squat | Form Check

Resistance Band Square Step

Start with the band wrapped above your knee in an athletic stance: Feet slightly wider than shoulder width, core tight, knees bent, standing on the balls of your feet. Step two feet to the right with your right leg, then two feet to the left with your left leg. Step two feet back with your right leg. Then move left two feet; step your right foot in that same direction. Move forward with your left leg; step your right foot forward in the same direction. Keep working this pattern all the way around; 1 round is one rep. Do 4 rounds.

Resistance Band Hip Thrust

Lie with your back on a bench, couch or chair, feet flat and shoulder-width apart, band just above your knees, knees spreading the band. Drive your heels into the ground and squeeze your glutes, extending your hips and creating a straight line from shoulders through knees. Hold for 2 seconds, then lower. That’s 1 rep; do 10.

Resistance Band Half-Kneeling Archer Row

Do 20 reps with each arm, following the form cues below.

preview for Eb & Swole: Half-Kneeling Archer Row

Resistance Band Pushup

Do 15 reps, setting the band at your wrist. Follow good basic press-up form, shown below.

Resistance Band Bird Dog

Get in bird dog position, holding one end of the resistance band with your right hand, other end looped onto your left foot. Extend your left foot back as you reach your right arm forward. That’s 1 rep; do 8 per side.

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Strongology Smart Dumbbell
Hex Dumbbell 10 kg
Hex Dumbbell 10 kg
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Tri-Grip Dumbbells
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From: Men's Health US