The trailer for Wes Anderson's next film, The French Dispatch, is here, and to nobody's surprise it looks extremely Wes Anderson-ish.

Now you've seen that trailer, you'll know that that description undersells it a bit. This is not just a very Wes Anderson Wes Anderson trailer. It might be The Ultimate Wes Anderson Trailer. It's the distilled essence of Wes Anderson trailer.

Even for Wes Anderson, this is a very Wes Anderson trailer. But what's the most Wes Anderson bit of it? Let's find out.

The magazine office façade

Wes Anderson The French Dispatch
Fox Searchlight

Pastels 5/10

Flat composition 10/10

Symmetry 8/10

Whimsy 5/10

Extra credit Points for the gendarme in a cape whizzing downhill, and the very nice typography on the signage on top of the offices. +10

The back of the magazine office

Wes Anderson The French Dispatch
Fox Searchlight

Pastels Now we're popping. 7/10

Flat composition 10/10

Symmetry 8/10

Whimsy 3/10

Extra credit Wes has a big horn for people doing things at open windows. +5

The magazine office

Wes Anderson The French Dispatch
Fox Searchlight

Pastels 9/10. Yellow and brown? Wes is down.

Flat composition 10/10. This is becoming a redundant category.

Symmetry 4/10

Whimsy A glass bottle of delicious fizzy pop and outdated tech? Solid 8/10 here.

Extra credit Bill Murray. +15

Owen Wilson on a building site

Wes Anderson The French Dispatch
Fox Searchlight

Pastels 4/10

Flat composition Er, let's go with 10/10 again.

Symmetry 7/10

Whimsy 7/10

Extra credit That's a great beret atop Owen Wilson's head. +20

Timothée Chalamet playing chess

Wes Anderson The French Dispatch
Fox Searchlight

Pastels 0/10.

Flat composition Just assume these are flat 10s across the board.

Symmetry 9/10

Whimsy Those signs are very strong, as are the cross-legged chess poses. 9/10

Extra credit Nice overall effect. +20

A nice juxtaposition in an alleyway

Wes Anderson The French Dispatch
Fox Searchlight

Pastels 5/10

Symmetry 10/10

Whimsy 7/10

Extra credit If you'd ever wondered exactly what the difference between a black and white Wes Anderson film and a colour Wes Anderson film was, here you go. +10

Owen Wilson's library

Wes Anderson The French Dispatch
Fox Searchlight

Pastels 9/10

Symmetry 8/10

Whimsy 7/10

Extra credit Bill Murray and Owen Wilson and Owen Wilson's beret! And a bicycle! +200

Wes Anderson The French Dispatch
Fox Searchlight

The magazine flatplan

Pastels 9/10

Symmetry 9/10

Whimsy 5/10

Extra credit Just very nice. +10

Chambres de Jeunes Filles avec un jeune homme qui est tres pleased with himself

Wes Anderson The French Dispatch
Fox Searchlight

Pastels 8/10

Symmetry 8/10

Whimsy Strong posters. 9/10

Extra credit Stripy awning. Nice. +50

A lovely flatpack shot of a kitchen

Wes Anderson The French Dispatch
Fox Searchlight

Pastels 6/10

Symmetry 9/10

Whimsy 9/10

Extra credit Big, big points for not just looking like a model house, but actually being a model house. +100

Timothée Chalamet near a jukebox

Wes Anderson The French Dispatch
Fox Searchlight

Pastels 8/10

Symmetry 9/10

Whimsy 11/10

Extra credit Looks very much like that jukebox is splitting in half to reveal a street scene behind it. The chances of a song and dance sequence kicking off are high. +200

Really, though, it's all about this one.

Timothée Chalamet's extraordinary moustache

Wes Anderson The French Dispatch
Fox Searchlight

Pastels N/A

Flat composition N/A

Symmetry N/A

Whimsy N/A

Extra credit +100000000000


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