As the muse-apparent of Alessandro Michele and the Holy Florentine Empire of Gucci, Jared Leto has spent the last 24-or-so months draped in a seemingly-endless supply of sublimely-embroidered and finely ruffled threads; the kind of clothes that would make a dandy look like a dullard. A peacocking fever dream of cropped camelhair trousers, great lime coats, patched leather loafers and purple silk shirts.

But even Jared Leto needs a change from time-to-time.

Except, this being Leto, said change involves an aesthetic that's somewhat akin to the Messiah by way of a few years spent in Whitefish, Montana.

Cowboy Jesus... if you will.

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy
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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

At a recent New York event honouring the legacy of Fleetwood Mac, Leto took to the stage in a loose-fitting all-white outfit designed by Shane Oliver for Helmut Lang to perform with his band 30 Seconds to Mars.

*Deep in the Baroque dining room of a Milanese townhouse, Alessandro Michele, sat alone at the head of the table wearing a pink satin suit, stares mournfully at a fading polaroid of him and Leto. A single candle flickers erratically, highlighting his hirsute dismay... tears welling in the half light.*

Screen fades to black

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy
Cowboy Jesus

Despite the clear and jarring lack of Gucci in this new look, we imagine that it'll only be a matter of time before Leto sheds the Cowboy Jesus look and returns to the embroidered bosom of Michele.

Only a matter of time.