The nominations for the 2020 Oscars have landed, and as is traditional there's been a lot of blowback. It's all very male and very white, and for some reason Uncut Gems has been completely blanked.

Then there's the actual quality of the films up for the awards. But wait a minute – have you actually seen them all? You probably should, before you launch into any finger-jabbing pub diatribes this weekend. Fortunately, many are available to stream, and we've collected the links for you here. You're welcome.

Before you watch any of these, however, you need to see Uncut Gems. That's in cinemas now, or out on Netflix on 31 January. You owe it to yourself.

Marriage Story

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Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson are a couple in the process of breaking up in Noah Baumbach's drama. He's a theatre director in New York; she's an actor drawn toward LA for a big TV part. It's a lot more interesting than that makes it sound.

Nominated for Best Picture, Best Original Screenplay, Best Actor (Adam Driver), Best Actress (Scarlett Johansson), Best Supporting Actress (Laura Dern) and Best Score.

The Irishman


Martin Scorsese gets the old gang back together for one last CGI-assisted job, and it's deeply satisfying to see Robert De Niro pulling that face he does while Al Pacino screams "DUMB MOTHERF***ERS" every so often. Joe Pesci beats both, though.

Nominated for Best Picture, Best Director (Martin Scorsese), Best Supporting Actor (Al Pacino), Best Supporting Actor (Joe Pesci), Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Best Editing, Best Production Design, Best Visual Effects, and Best Adapted Screenplay.

The Two Popes


In this ecclesiastical equivalent of one of those episodes of Doctor Who where they get three or four Doctors back in the TARDIS, Nice Pope (future Pope Francis, played by Jonathan Pryce) and Nasty Pope (Anthony Hopkins as then-Pope Benedict XVI) chat about God, the universe and everything. Oh, and football.

Nominated for Best Actor (Jonathan Pryce), Best Supporting Actor (Anthony Hopkins), and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood


Even for a late period Tarantino film, this is stuffed with stars: Brad Pitt, Leo DiCaprio, Margot Robbie, Al Pacino, and more . Your enjoyment will perhaps depend on how much you like wandering around inside Tarantino's rendering of his own childhood.

Nominated for Best Picture, Best Director (Quentin Tarantino), Best Actor (Leo DiCaprio), Best Supporting Actor (Brad Pitt), Best Original Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Best Production Design, Best Sound Editing, and Best Sound Mixing.



This Scorsese-indebted reheat of the villain's origins – call it The Clown Prince Of Comedy, or Implausibly Overstuffed Taxi Driver – has somehow bagged an awards-leading 11 nominations.

Nominated for Best Picture, Best Director (Todd Phillips), Best Actor (Joaquin Phoenix), Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Best Film Editing, Best Makeup & Hairstyling, Best Original Score, Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Mixing, and Best Adapted Screenplay.



Renée Zellweger's bravura performance as Judy Garland in her final years, when her London stage performances were beginning to founder, carries this one along.

Nominated for Best Actress (Renée Zellweger) and Best Makeup & Hairstyling.

How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World


The last of the trilogy about a boy named Hiccup and a dragon named Toothless. People really seem to like these films. Good for them.

Nominated for Best Animated Film.

I Lost My Body


A disembodied hand wanders around looking for its owner in this whimsical (obviously) French (obviously) animation. The artwork's beautiful, and the surprising range of expression available to a disembodied hand makes this oddly moving.

Nominated for Best Animated Film.



A spoiled heir to the apparently considerable fortune of a Postmaster General gets sent to the sticks to learn some graft, and ends up inventing Father Christmas. Charming.

Nominated for Best Animated Film.

Missing Link


While probably not up to stop-motion studio Laika's normally incredible standards – they did Coraline, The Boxtrolls and Kubo and the Two Strings – the tale of a Sasquatch trying to mix in society circles is still very good.

Nominated for Best Animated Film.

Toy Story 4


The gang return for another instalment, but this time Key and Peele are involved too.

Nominated for Best Animated Film and Best Original Song.

American Factory


The first film from Barack and Michelle Obama's production company follows the takeover of a factory in Dayton, Ohio, from its workers' perspective.

Nominated for Best Documentary.

The Edge of Democracy


A personal account of the upheaval of the last decade of Brazilian politics, including the downfalls of presidents Dilma and Rousseff and the rise of Bolsonaro.

Nominated for Best Documentary.



This Macedonian film isn't your usual documentary. It's about one of the country's last wild beekeepers, and about her mum, and their neighbour. Shot over three years and 400 hours, it feels like a fever dream at times.

Nominated for Best Documentary and Best International Film.

Avengers: Endgame


The highest-grossing film of all time, with a current box office total of $2.98 billion. If it were a country it would have a higher GDP than the Seychelles. We'd still probably rather spend three hours in the Seychelles, though.

Nominated for Best Visual Effects.

The Lion King


Unnecessary? Arguably. Still, more Donald Glover is always welcome.

Nominated for Best Visual Effects.



Slightly mad that this didn't get the Academy love that the vastly inferior Bohemian Rhapsody did last year, especially given the exuberance and conviction of its fantasy sequences. And the lack of fake teeth.

Nominated for Best Original Song.

Ad Astra


Brad Pitt heads into deep space to find his dad, who's played by Tommy Lee Jones. It's Apocalypse Now in space, basically.

Nominated for Best Sound Mixing.

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