David Lynch is entering the craft beer world. Mikkeller, a Danish microbrewery with locations worldwide, is brewing a line of Twin Peaks-inspired beers, which Lynch was "heavily involved" with bringing to fruition. We wouldn't expect anything less.

The beers are the Log Lady Lager, the Red Room Ale, and of course, the Damn Good Coffee Stout, which is brewed using another Lynchian beverage: the David Lynch Signature Cup Organic House Blend. Each can reflects scenes—a tenderly held log; a de-armed statue; a sip of coffee—and colour palettes of the show—moody browns, deep red. Naturally, all were conceived by Lynch.

"Lynch and his team sent us a mood board of various Mikkeller labels they liked and shared images of Lynch's drawings," Mikkeller said in its press release.

To round out the ultra David Lynch experience, the beers will served at his upcoming Festival of Disruption. Afterwards, they will only be distributed in Mikkeller's California locations: Oakland, San Francisco, San Diego, and Los Angeles. So, they'll be just as hard to take a sip of as the storyline of Twin Peaks is to follow.

From: Esquire US