Nobody can question that Piers Morgan's commitment to Donald Trump. He stuck by him through many of the President's darker moments, criticising only the indefensible, like, say, endorsing an alleged peadophile as a senator or re-tweeting a racist hate group.

Morgan's reward came yesterday when he was treated to an exclusive interview with the President from Davos where the World Economic Forum is currently being hosted.

The incident with aforementioned hate group, Britain First, was broached by Morgan who asked for an apology, saying he believed it would go a long way.

"If you're telling me they're horrible racist people, I would certainly apologise if you would like me to do that," Trump said. "I know nothing about them."

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So close to actually saying sorry.

He went on to say: "I know nothing about them and I know nothing about them today. Other than I read a little bit. I guess, again I’m in the United States, so I didn’t read as much about it, perhaps it was a big story in Britain, perhaps it was a bit story in the UK. But in the United States it wasn’t a big story."

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Bear Grylls//Digital Spy

Trump also commented: "The real me is somebody that loves Britain and loves the UK," but said during the interview, "I don't care!" when asked what he felt about people protesting him in the UK.