Got a medium to heavy kettlebell and enough room to do a press-up? That's all you need to grind through this workout.

Using two moves — a kettlebell snatch and an explosive press-up — you'll be working in an EMOM (every minute, on the minute) format, smashing out reps as the clock ticks down from 20 minutes.

"This workout is inspired by the man credited with bringing kettlebells to the west, Pavel Tsatsouline," explains Men's Health's fitness editor, Andrew Tracey. "The kettlebell and bodyweight couplet is designed to build ruthlessly explosive strength and stamina, whilst blowing up your chest and shoulders and growing a powerhouse posterior." Not bad for a 20-minute home workout, we hope you'll agree. "Alternate between movements one to four each minute, for a total of 20 minutes that will leave your chest feeling as hard the Soviet hammer," explains Tracey. Let's get to work.

leg, human leg, human body, shoulder, elbow, wrist, standing, joint, physical fitness, chest,

Kettlebell Snatch (Left) x10

  1. Squat down with a flat back and grab a kettlebell from between your feet (A).
  2. Stand up as explosively as possible, aggressively thrusting your hips forward and pulling the kettlebell up quickly.
  3. Turn your hand, punching the kettlebell directly overhead (B). Lower to your shoulders, then the floor. Repeat.
press up, arm, fitness professional, joint, leg, physical fitness, chest, exercise, shoulder, knee,

Explosive Push-Ups x20

  1. Drop to the floor and assume a strong plank with your wrists, elbows and shoulders stacked vertically and your arms locked out (A).
  2. With a controlled tempo, flex at the elbow, lowering your body until your chest touches the floor (B).
  3. Push back up as explosively as possible until your elbows are fully extended, at full extension lower back to the ground under control, before repeating explosively.
leg, human leg, human body, shoulder, elbow, wrist, standing, joint, physical fitness, chest,

Kettlebell Snatch (Right) x10

  1. Squat down with a flat back and grab a kettlebell from between your feet (A).
  2. Stand up as explosively as possible, aggressively thrusting your hips forward and pulling the kettlebell up quickly.
  3. Turn your hand, punching the kettlebell directly overhead (B). Lower to your shoulders, then the floor. Repeat.
press up, arm, fitness professional, joint, leg, physical fitness, chest, exercise, shoulder, knee,

Explosive Push-Ups x20

  1. Drop to the floor and assume a strong plank with your wrists, elbows and shoulders stacked vertically and your arms locked out (A).
  2. With a controlled tempo, flex at the elbow, lowering your body until your chest touches the floor (B).
  3. Push back up as explosively as possible until your elbows are fully extended, at full extension lower back to the ground under control, before repeating explosively.
From: Men's Health UK